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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 7, 2021 at 1:36 pm

Hello, it's Monday, March 8th, Mayor John Hamilton just giving a quick update on COVID things happening in Bloomington. We continue to see good numbers statewide and locally, in terms of case numbers, deaths, hospitalizations. We're doing the right things and seeing that continue. Again, deaths are down 90% from the mid-December peak for our state, and thank you all for doing what you're doing.

The vaccines and the precautions that we're taking are the paths that will get us to safety in the weeks and months ahead. So I hope we will stay that course in doing what we're doing: distancing, masking, and getting the vaccine when it's your turn. Some experts caution that we may be in the eye of a hurricane. We know the UK variant and other variants are here and coming. They worry that they really may increase dramatically the exposure to the disease. So what we're doing is working and we need to keep working until we get sufficient vaccinations for the whole community.

So it's not a dramatic update this week. IU continues to see very low rates in their mitigation testing of tens of thousands of people per week, which is excellent information to have and good results to see. Stay the course, we will be giving regular updates as we always do Friday afternoon and I'll hope that we are right on the path we need to be.

We're one year from when the first US death was announced from COVID out in the state of Washington. We didn't know it would last this long and we're not done yet, but we're certainly, it appears close to the end. So let's stay the course, not have any problems arise, and thank you all for what you're doing because that is making a difference. It's helping Bloomington and you're saving lives by what you're doing. So keep it up and I'll report again in short order.


