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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 7, 2021 at 1:29 pm

Hi, this is Mayor John Hamilton. Just a quick message on Monday, August 17th. We're continuing to monitor the COVID data as school, corporations open, as Indiana University welcomes students back, continuing to have low positivity rates in the county, but very much watching the changes in our community and ready to move and change our rules if we need to. I wanted basically, just to encourage you to watch tonight at 6:00 PM. I'll be presenting to the city council the beginning of the whole budget week for the 2021 budget. The 2021 budget is a rainy day budget. We are investing more than we're receiving in order to help, not only keep our basic services going but also to help Recover Forward. We're trying to make sure we protect our employees, who then deliver all the services that are so important to our community during this very challenging time, as well as investing in Recover Forward. Meaning, how do we move forward as a community to build back our Bloomington in ways that steer us toward racial justice, economic justice, and climate justice?

I'll be speaking quite a bit about that tonight, so I don't want to add detail to that right now but encourage you to check-in. You can watch it on CATS. You can watch it on Facebook. It starts at 6:00 tonight, and then the next three nights, as well, as we look at how we want to put our values into place into the 2021 budget. So thanks for your attention to the community. Thanks for all you're doing to help keep people safe and keeping our community going. We have challenges that continue in front of us, but I know we'll make it through. I appreciate your help and attention to our community. Thanks, and encourage you again to watch tonight.


