12/10/2018 08:37:17 Closed by Anonymous
Thank you for reporting an issue regarding Bird scooters. Your report has been forwarded on to Bird for resolution. If you could please leave an exact street address of the scooter next time that would be very helpful when we report the issue to Bird. If you would like to contact them directly you may reach them by phone at 866.205.2442 or by email at hello@bird.com
Sent notification to Anonymous
Closed by Morgan Allen
Thank you for reporting an issue regarding Bird scooters. Your report has been forwarded on to Bird for resolution. If you could please leave an exact street address of the scooter next time that would be very helpful when we report the issue to Bird. If you would like to contact them directly you may reach them by phone at 866.205.2442 or by email at hello@bird.com
12/8/2018 22:04:53 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous
Sent notification to Anonymous
Anonymous assigned this case to Morgan Allen
You can use the link to follow progress on this case.