12/11/2018 13:35:55 Closed by Anonymous
Thank you for your report. We are tracking all complaints received. If you encounter a scooter that is blocking a sidewalk, in the street or has fallen over, or if you observe improper scooter use, please report the issue and the location via uReport and we will contact the appropriate company directly to resolve the issue. Thank you for your dedication to our community.
Sent notification to Anonymous
Closed by Morgan Allen
Thank you for your report. We are tracking all complaints received. If you encounter a scooter that is blocking a sidewalk, in the street or has fallen over, or if you observe improper scooter use, please report the issue and the location via uReport and we will contact the appropriate company directly to resolve the issue. Thank you for your dedication to our community.
12/11/2018 13:18:03 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous
Sent notification to Anonymous
Anonymous assigned this case to Morgan Allen
You can use the link to follow progress on this case.