3/23/1998 05:00:00 Closed by Anonymous
[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess
Phone Call: Citizen did not give name or location. Said that Mon. am (3/23), her carpool was on way to work, got behind a recycling truck which was sitting "in the middle of the street". Said they asked the driver to pull over so they could get past and he "rudely refused" and they had to sit there for 15 minutes waiting. Says if there's traffic, drivers should pull over to the side and not block the street.
[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess
City | Bloomington |
State | IN |
Zip | 47404 |
Latitude | 39.169925689697 |
Longitude | -86.536804199219 |
Township | Bloomington |