closed: Resolved
Sidewalk & Curb Complaints: Request
Phone Call: In regard to Mayor's S.O.C. address: Mr. Berkey "shutters" at thought of CORNER CURB EXT.'S around town w/ streets as narrow as they are. "They take away a car's turning radius, slow traffic, just not working well." (ie., sw crner of M.C. Library block projection-light pole on it,crner has been extended, cars can park in it - "it's awkward & uncomfortable to make turn." He basically suggests NO MORE CURB EXT.'S!
2/9/1998 05:00:00 Jane Fleig inspected this Location
There is no action to take. These curb extensions do function adequately at the intersections and they slow down cars because that's what they're supposed to do. We will continue to make sure they are designed adequately.
2/9/1998 05:00:00 Closed by Jane Fleig
2/9/1998 05:00:00 Opened by Anonymous