12/23/1997 05:00:00 Closed by Anonymous
[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess
Phone Call: Russ thinks we currently have a competent & polite inspection staff. His suggestion is that property owners be apprised when changes in code or policy affect rentals (ex. fire extinguisher, Smoke detector). Couldn't we take 35 cents out of our take from each registered owner and send them updated versions of addenda, or especially the "pre-inspection addendum?" Some landlords operating under permit would even upgrade their properties early if the code change makes sense for helath/safety (fx)
[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess
we are planning a PMC workshop and Russ will be invited. This wrokshop is to bring people up to speed on any changes in the program.
City | Bloomington |
State | IN |
Zip | 47404 |
Latitude | 39.169925689697 |
Longitude | -86.536804199219 |
Township | Bloomington |